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Standing to protect kids from the toxic, indoctrinating agenda by exposing the lies & proclaiming the truth.

Mother and Daughter Portrait

About us

Protect North Carolina Kids began when two moms, disgusted with the Marxist agenda being shoved down the throats of children, decided to be a voice of reason in the Greater Charlotte area. 


They took their years of experience in coordinating such events and gathered concerned parents and community members, who joined these moms in schedule-friendly, one-hour peaceful protests. 


Each participant made signs, gathered friends and simply stood on public sidewalks at Drag Queen Story Hours, All-Age Drag Shows and surgical businesses that mutilate minors - "Child Mutilation Centers". 


With more "boots on the ground", Protect North Carolina Kids plans to expand their efforts to...


- Further Assist in local and state legislative actions 

- Cover more area events that target children with sexualized content

- Stand against each surgical center that targets children with their gruesome         disfigurement procedures


Please consider joining us as we stand to protect children against this evil agenda being pushed on our communities.

East Frank Superette and Kitchen, All-age Drag Shows, Monroe, NC
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